
The Graduate Program in Oceanology (PPGO), rated CAPES 7 by CAPES, is a postgraduate program that is renowned both nationally and internationally. PPGO is strongly established and consolidated in the leadership of applied and advanced research scientific studies in the different sub-areas of Marine Sciences and Oceanography. With an integrated performance among Professors, Students and other active researchers, PPGO leads several research projects (with strong international interaction) that guide Brazilian oceanographic research on cutting edge themes of the Oceans and Climate, from the socioeconomic insertion developed through studies portrayed in estuarine and coastal areas of Brazil until the peculiarities involved in the studies of Antarctic Oceanography.

The studies developed by PPGO are representative of several compartments in the area of ​​Geosciences, namely: the Hydrosphere, through the actions of research lines related to Oceanography (in all its basic areas: Physics, Chemistry, Geological and Biological) and Paleoceanography; the Litosphere, through the actions of the research lines related to Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Glaciology; the Biosphere, through the actions of the research lines related to Palaeontology and Palynology; and Atmosphere, through the actions of research lines related to Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction, Climatology and Paleoclimatology. Still, lines of research at the forefront of current knowledge in areas of applied technologies, ocean pollution and acidification, oceans and climate, among others, place the PPGO as one of the most active PPGs in Brazil and leader of research in the respective themes.

The unique structure presented by PPGO facilitates the insertion of students in the teaching environment and cutting-edge scientific research, whose international partnerships already established provide inter- and multidisciplinary training in Oceanography, as well as enhancing the direction of technological and innovative development studies. This PPGO differential qualifies the program to lead several actions over the Decade of the Oceans between 2021 and 2030, as well as providing the necessary support to encourage subsidies for Brazil to collaborate with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), outlined by the UN. Among these, the SDG14 stands out: Life in the Water - conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

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