AC 2 - Biogeochemistry, Pollution and Marine Ecosystems

The area of ​​concentration in Biogeochemistry, Pollution and Marine Ecosystems focuses on the study of biological, physical and chemical processes. It seeks to quantify the magnitude of the contributions, impacts and exchanges of chemical elements in the different interfaces existing between the Earth's compartments, and the interaction between oceanographic processes in the structuring and dynamics of the different coastal and oceanic ecosystems.

LP1 - Seawater Chemistry, Carbonate System and Ocean Acidification: The research line in Seawater Chemistry, Carbonate System and Ocean Acidification investigates the chemical changes in sea water and carbon exchanges at the ocean-atmosphere-continent interfaces, as well as its drivers and biotic/abiotic consequences on coastal and oceanic ecosystems.

LP2 - Physical-biological and biogeochemical interactions: The line of research in Physical-biological and biogeochemical interactions seeks to understand the interrelations between the dynamics and structure of biota, physics and biogeochemistry of pelagic and benthic compartments, at different time scales and space in coastal and oceanic regions.

LP3 - Aquatic Contamination and Ecotoxicology: The research line in Aquatic Contamination and Ecotoxicology seeks to understand the processes that involve the space-time variations in the levels of contaminants in the environmental compartments, the interactions with physical, chemical and biological processes, as well as understanding in an integrated context the effects caused by natural agents or contaminants on biological constituents.